LEED Study Sheet
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design
2 What approach does LEED take is design?
The Whole Building Approach to Sustainability
is for commercial and institutional projects, including office buildings, high rise residential buildings (4+ stories), government buildings, recreational facilities, manufacturing plants and laboratories. (NOT LOW RISE RESIDENTIAL)
4 What does a major renovation involve?
Major HVAC renovation, significant envelope modifications and major interior rehabilitation.
5 When is LEED NC appropriate for multi-tenant projects?
When more than 50% of the building's leasable square footage is controlled by the owner.
6 When do you use LEED Core & Shell?
Developer controls the design and construction of the shell and core of a building (mechanical, electrical, plumbing and fire suppression) but tenants control their fit out. When the Owner/Developer controls 50% or less of the interior square footage on a project.
7 LEED for Schools
-Designed for NEW K-12 school buildings and major renovations of existing school buildings.
8 When can a project be either LEED - Schools or LEED NC?
Nonacademic school buildings (dorms, postsecondary school buildings, preK buildings, administrative buildings and maintenance facilities) are eligible to pursue either LEED for Schools or LEED NC.
9 Owner
The individual recognized by law as having rights, responsibilities, and ultimate control over the project building.
10 Commissioning Authority
Individual who acts as the owners agent during construction to ensure the project achieves the OPR, and is responsible for the building's commissioning.
11 Architect
The person who holds overall responsibility for the design of the building.
12 General Contractor
The individual or organization responsible for the construction of the project.
13 Facility Manager
A person who oversees the functionality of the built environment by integrating people, places, process, and technology. A person who oversees and is responsible for the operations, maintenance, upkeep and alteration/improvement of the project building.
14 References for Construction Activity Pollution Prevention-SS-P1
-2003 EPA Construction General Permit- Local erosion and sedimentation controls
15 Stabilization
Temporary or permanent seeding, mulching
16 Structural
Silt fence, sediment trap or basin, earth dike
17 Construction General Permit applies to?
Normally only applies to project greater than 1 acre, but ALL LEED projects must meet those requirements regardless of size.
18 What are the requirements for Construction Activity Pollution Prevention?
-Prevent loss of soil during construction from storm-water or wind erosion-Prevent sedimentation of sewers and streams
-Prevent polluting air with dust/particulate matter
19 Who develops a Construction Activity Pollution Prevention?
Civil Engineer/Landscape Architect
Who implements the Construction Activity Pollution Prevention?
General Contractor
Who does SS-P2 Environmental Site Assessment apply to?
Schools ONLY
What are the references for Environmental Site Assessment SS-P@?
-ASTM E1527-05 - Phase I Environmental Site-ASTM E1903-97 - Phase II Environmental Site Assessment
What are the requirements for Environmental Site Assessment?
-Perform a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment- If necessary conduct a Phase II Assessment
-NO SCHOOLs on landfills - but can be built on a cleaned site just never on a landfill.
24 What is the purpose of Site Selection SS-C1?
Avoid development of inappropriate sites and reduce the environmental impact from the location of a building on a site
25 What are the requirements for Site Selection SS-C1?
-Do NOT develop on:Prime Farmland (USDA)-Undeveloped land less the 5ft above 100-year flood elevation (FEMA)
-Land with threatened or endangered species
-Within 100 ft of wetlands
-Undeveloped land within 50ft of a water body providing habitat
-Public Parkland unless swapped for more valuable land
26 How many points are available for NC, Schools and C&S for Site Selection?
1 point is available for each accreditation.
27 Why is Site Selection (SS-C1) economically important?
Plays an important role in the way the public responds and gets involved in the proposed project. It can save on mitigation costs that a developer would incur if the proposed development were approved within a sensitive area.
28 What is the minimum density for Development & Density credit SS-P2?
60,000 sf/acre
29 What is the criteria for meeting the Community Connectivity SS-P2 credit?
-Located on a previously developed site-Within 1/2 mile of a residential area or neighborhood with an average density of 10 units
-Within 1/2 mile of at least 10 basic services
-has safe pedestrian access between the building and the services.
30 How many services may be mixed-use?
31 How many basic services can be under construction and count toward Community Connectivity SS-P2?
2 Basic Services
32 What are the Development and Density requirements?
-Build on a previously developed site-Average building size be at least 60,000
-Street, sidewalks, public property excluded from calculation
-Parking only contributes if multi-story, but 2 story limit
33 What is required to earn exemplary performance for Development Density?
Average surrounding development density > 120,000 sq ft/ acre twice as large
34 What is the maximum number of points you can earn for Exemplary Performance?
35 What is the math equation for determining the total density of an area?
Add all the buildings (total sq - all floors) divide by the total acres. For parking lots you add the acre but 0 for building sq.
36 What references are used to determine if a site is Brownfield - SS-C3?
-ASTM E-1903-97 Phase II-Local Voluntary Clean-up Program
-Local, State and Federal Agency
37 What type of clean-up is preferred for a Brownfield?
-On-site-Minimal site disruption preferred
-Tax incentives available
38 How many credits can be earned for Brownfield SS-C3?
1 point for NC, Schools & C&S
39 What is the intent of Alternative Transportation- Public Access?
Reduce impacts from automobile use
40 How many credits can be earned for Public Transportation SS-C3?
6 - NC & C&S4- Schools
41 What are the requirements for earning Alternative Transportation - Public Transportation Access SS-C3?
-Locate project within 1/2 mile of existing or funded rail or subway-1/4 mile for TWO public or campus line stops
-Schools: 80% of students walking distance from school
-Schools: Provide walking/biking lanes to end of SCHOOL PROPERTY in two directions
42 What are the walking distances for school students?
.75/ 3/4 - mile for K-8- 1.5 miles for 9-12
43 How is the distance measured for walking distance under Public Transportation SS-C3?
- Distance is measured from building main entrance
44 If a project is too far for walking to Public Transportation can a Shuttle Service be used?
45 Does a school bus count toward Public Transportation SS-C3?
School Bus may count as ONE bus line for schools
46 How do you earn Exemplary Performance for Alternative Transportation: Public Transportation SS-C3?
-Locate near double the number of lines-Stations have at least 200 bus/rail stops per day
47 What is the intent of AT - Bicycle Storage and Changing Rooms?
Reduce pollution and land development impacts from automobile use
48 How many credit can be earned for AT - Bicycle SS-C4?
1 credit - NC, C&S, Schools
49 What are the non-residential requirements for AT-Bicycle Storage SS-C4 for NC?
-Provide secure bike racks for 5% of PEAK building Occupancy-Provide showers for .5% of FTE Occupants
-Bike racks and showers within 200 yards of the main entrance
50 What are the residential requirements for AT-Bicycle Storage SS-C4 for NC?
-Provide secure, covered, bike racks for 15% of building occupants
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design
2 What approach does LEED take is design?
The Whole Building Approach to Sustainability
is for commercial and institutional projects, including office buildings, high rise residential buildings (4+ stories), government buildings, recreational facilities, manufacturing plants and laboratories. (NOT LOW RISE RESIDENTIAL)
4 What does a major renovation involve?
Major HVAC renovation, significant envelope modifications and major interior rehabilitation.
5 When is LEED NC appropriate for multi-tenant projects?
When more than 50% of the building's leasable square footage is controlled by the owner.
6 When do you use LEED Core & Shell?
Developer controls the design and construction of the shell and core of a building (mechanical, electrical, plumbing and fire suppression) but tenants control their fit out. When the Owner/Developer controls 50% or less of the interior square footage on a project.
7 LEED for Schools
-Designed for NEW K-12 school buildings and major renovations of existing school buildings.
8 When can a project be either LEED - Schools or LEED NC?
Nonacademic school buildings (dorms, postsecondary school buildings, preK buildings, administrative buildings and maintenance facilities) are eligible to pursue either LEED for Schools or LEED NC.
9 Owner
The individual recognized by law as having rights, responsibilities, and ultimate control over the project building.
10 Commissioning Authority
Individual who acts as the owners agent during construction to ensure the project achieves the OPR, and is responsible for the building's commissioning.
11 Architect
The person who holds overall responsibility for the design of the building.
12 General Contractor
The individual or organization responsible for the construction of the project.
13 Facility Manager
A person who oversees the functionality of the built environment by integrating people, places, process, and technology. A person who oversees and is responsible for the operations, maintenance, upkeep and alteration/improvement of the project building.
14 References for Construction Activity Pollution Prevention-SS-P1
-2003 EPA Construction General Permit- Local erosion and sedimentation controls
15 Stabilization
Temporary or permanent seeding, mulching
16 Structural
Silt fence, sediment trap or basin, earth dike
17 Construction General Permit applies to?
Normally only applies to project greater than 1 acre, but ALL LEED projects must meet those requirements regardless of size.
18 What are the requirements for Construction Activity Pollution Prevention?
-Prevent loss of soil during construction from storm-water or wind erosion-Prevent sedimentation of sewers and streams
-Prevent polluting air with dust/particulate matter
19 Who develops a Construction Activity Pollution Prevention?
Civil Engineer/Landscape Architect
Who implements the Construction Activity Pollution Prevention?
General Contractor
Who does SS-P2 Environmental Site Assessment apply to?
Schools ONLY
What are the references for Environmental Site Assessment SS-P@?
-ASTM E1527-05 - Phase I Environmental Site-ASTM E1903-97 - Phase II Environmental Site Assessment
What are the requirements for Environmental Site Assessment?
-Perform a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment- If necessary conduct a Phase II Assessment
-NO SCHOOLs on landfills - but can be built on a cleaned site just never on a landfill.
24 What is the purpose of Site Selection SS-C1?
Avoid development of inappropriate sites and reduce the environmental impact from the location of a building on a site
25 What are the requirements for Site Selection SS-C1?
-Do NOT develop on:Prime Farmland (USDA)-Undeveloped land less the 5ft above 100-year flood elevation (FEMA)
-Land with threatened or endangered species
-Within 100 ft of wetlands
-Undeveloped land within 50ft of a water body providing habitat
-Public Parkland unless swapped for more valuable land
26 How many points are available for NC, Schools and C&S for Site Selection?
1 point is available for each accreditation.
27 Why is Site Selection (SS-C1) economically important?
Plays an important role in the way the public responds and gets involved in the proposed project. It can save on mitigation costs that a developer would incur if the proposed development were approved within a sensitive area.
28 What is the minimum density for Development & Density credit SS-P2?
60,000 sf/acre
29 What is the criteria for meeting the Community Connectivity SS-P2 credit?
-Located on a previously developed site-Within 1/2 mile of a residential area or neighborhood with an average density of 10 units
-Within 1/2 mile of at least 10 basic services
-has safe pedestrian access between the building and the services.
30 How many services may be mixed-use?
31 How many basic services can be under construction and count toward Community Connectivity SS-P2?
2 Basic Services
32 What are the Development and Density requirements?
-Build on a previously developed site-Average building size be at least 60,000
-Street, sidewalks, public property excluded from calculation
-Parking only contributes if multi-story, but 2 story limit
33 What is required to earn exemplary performance for Development Density?
Average surrounding development density > 120,000 sq ft/ acre twice as large
34 What is the maximum number of points you can earn for Exemplary Performance?
35 What is the math equation for determining the total density of an area?
Add all the buildings (total sq - all floors) divide by the total acres. For parking lots you add the acre but 0 for building sq.
36 What references are used to determine if a site is Brownfield - SS-C3?
-ASTM E-1903-97 Phase II-Local Voluntary Clean-up Program
-Local, State and Federal Agency
37 What type of clean-up is preferred for a Brownfield?
-On-site-Minimal site disruption preferred
-Tax incentives available
38 How many credits can be earned for Brownfield SS-C3?
1 point for NC, Schools & C&S
39 What is the intent of Alternative Transportation- Public Access?
Reduce impacts from automobile use
40 How many credits can be earned for Public Transportation SS-C3?
6 - NC & C&S4- Schools
41 What are the requirements for earning Alternative Transportation - Public Transportation Access SS-C3?
-Locate project within 1/2 mile of existing or funded rail or subway-1/4 mile for TWO public or campus line stops
-Schools: 80% of students walking distance from school
-Schools: Provide walking/biking lanes to end of SCHOOL PROPERTY in two directions
42 What are the walking distances for school students?
.75/ 3/4 - mile for K-8- 1.5 miles for 9-12
43 How is the distance measured for walking distance under Public Transportation SS-C3?
- Distance is measured from building main entrance
44 If a project is too far for walking to Public Transportation can a Shuttle Service be used?
45 Does a school bus count toward Public Transportation SS-C3?
School Bus may count as ONE bus line for schools
46 How do you earn Exemplary Performance for Alternative Transportation: Public Transportation SS-C3?
-Locate near double the number of lines-Stations have at least 200 bus/rail stops per day
47 What is the intent of AT - Bicycle Storage and Changing Rooms?
Reduce pollution and land development impacts from automobile use
48 How many credit can be earned for AT - Bicycle SS-C4?
1 credit - NC, C&S, Schools
49 What are the non-residential requirements for AT-Bicycle Storage SS-C4 for NC?
-Provide secure bike racks for 5% of PEAK building Occupancy-Provide showers for .5% of FTE Occupants
-Bike racks and showers within 200 yards of the main entrance
50 What are the residential requirements for AT-Bicycle Storage SS-C4 for NC?
-Provide secure, covered, bike racks for 15% of building occupants
51 What are the requirements for AT-Bicycle Storage SS-C4 for C&S building 300,000sf or less?
- within 200 yards of main entrance for 3% or more of all building users-Provide shower for .5% FTE
52 What are the requirements for AT-Bicycle Storage SS-C4 for C&S building larger than 300,000sf?
- Bike racks for 3% of the occupants for up to 300,000 then an additional .5% for all the occupants for space over 300,000-Provide shower for .5% FTE
53 What are the residential requirements for AT-Bicycle Storage SS-C4 for Schools?
-Provide 5% or more of all building staff and students grade 3 and up-Provide .5% showers of FTE Staff
-Provide dedicated bikes lanes that extend at least to the end of the school property in 2 or more directions
54 What does bike commuting produce?
-Zero emissions-no demand for fuel
-relieves traffic congestion
-Reduces noise pollution
-Requires less infrastructure for roads and parking lots
55 How is Exemplary Performance achieved?
Projects may be awarded ONE ID point for instituting a comprehensive transportation management plan than demonstrates a QUANTIFIABLE reduction in automobile use through the implementation of MULTIPLE ALTERNATIVE options
56 What is the intent of AT- Low Emitting and Fuel Efficient Vehicles SS-C4.3?
Reduce impacts from automobile use by reducing emissions but will still have congestion and parking capacity.
57 How many points can be earned for AT-Low Emitting & Fuel Efficient Vehicles SS-C4.3?
3- Points for NC and C&S2 - Points for schools
What is OPTION ONE for meeting the requirements for AT - LEFE SS-C4.3?
-Preferred parking for LEFE vehicles for 5% of Parking Capacity or 20% parking discount for all customers-SCHOOLS: 5% of total parking capacity and at least 1 carpool area for LEFE Vehicle
59 What is OPTION TWO for meeting the requirements for AT - LEFE SS-C4.3?
-Install alternative-fuel fueling stations for 3% of total vehicle parking capacity ORLEFE Vehicles for 3% of FTE
-One shared LEFE per 267 FTE
60 What is the definition of a LEFE Vehicle?
-Zero emissions Vehicle (ZEV) by the CA Air Resources BoardOR
-Minimum score of 40 by the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE)
61 What is OPTION TWO for meeting the requirements for AT - LEFE SS-C4.3 for Schools?
-SCHOOLS: Develop and implement a plan for the buses and maintenance vehicles serving the school to use 20% natural gas
62 What is the intent of AT-Parking Capacity SS-C4.4?
Reduce pollution and land development from SINGLE Vehicle Occupancy
63 What are the negative impacts of Parking Capacity on the environment?
Increase in stormwater and increase in urban heat island effect
64 What is the reference for AT- Parking Capacity SS-C4.4?
Institute of Traffic Engineer, Parking Generation Study, 2003
65 What are the NON-RESIDENTIAL requirements for AT-Parking Capacity SS-C4.4?
-Parking cannot exceed minimum zoning AND carpool parking for 5% of total parking spaces OR-If there is fewer than 5% FTE Parking -preferred parking for 5% of total spots
-no zone laws parking for 25% fewer than "Parking Generation Study"
66 What are the RESIDENTIAL requirements for AT-Parking Capacity SS-C4.4?
-Parking cannot exceed minimum zoning and provide infrastructure to support shared vehicle usage-NO NEW PARKING (residential or non-residential)
67 How many points can be earned for AT-Parking Capacity SS-C4.4?
2 points for NC, Schools and C&S
68 What is the intent of Site Development - Protect and Restore Habitat SS-C5.1?
Conserve existing natural areas and restore damaged ones to provide habitat
69 What is OPTION ONE for Site Development-Protect and Restore SS-C5.1?
Limit Disturbance to following PARAMETERS:-40 ft beyond building perimeter
-10 ft beyond sidewalks/parking
-15 ft beyond primary road
-25 ft beyond constructed areas with permeable surfaces
70 What is OPTION TWO for Site Development-Protect and Restore SS-C5.1?
Previously Developed Area:- Restore 50% of site excluding building OR
-Restore 20% of site area including building Which ever is greater
71 Does a vegetated roof count towards Site Development-Protect and Restore SS-C5.1?
Only for projects earning SS-C2 Development and Density may include vegetated roof surface in this calculation if the plants are native or adapted, provide habitat and promote biodiversity
72 How can Exemplary Performance be earned for Site Development-Protect and Restore SS-C5.1?
On a previously developed area restore 75% of non-building site area
73 What is the intent of Site Development- Maximize Open Space SS-C5.2?
To promote biodiversity by providing a high ratio of open space to development footprint.
74 What are the requirements for Site Development - Maximize Open Space SS-C5.2?
C1: 25% more space that required by zoning in the project boundaryC2: No zoning - open space the same size as building footprint (adjacent to building)
C3: Areas w/ zoning but no minimum, provide 20% of site area w/ vegetation
75 When does pedestrian hardscape and garden roofs count as open space?
When the project is located in an "urban area" - Projects must earn SS-C2 - Development Density and Community Connectivity - but a minimum of 25% of the open space counted must be vegetated.
76 Can wetlands or ponds count towards open space?
Yes, only if side slopes are vegetated.
77 If a military building has a footprint of 5,000 SF how much open space is required to meet Site Development-Maximize Open Space SS-C5.2?
5,000 SF of open space is required - must be located adjacent to project site.
78 Local zoning requires 200 SF of Open space. How much open space will a project need for Site Development - MOS SS-C5.2? How much could be hardscape?
Project must have 25% more than zoning required = 250SF of open spaceof the 250SF 187.50 SF can be hardscape
79 What is the special case for Campus or military base open space?
Open space does not have to be adjacent to the building if the open space is maintained for the life of the project.
80 How can a project earn Exemplary Performance for Site Development - Maximize Open Space SS-C5.2?
-50% more than zoning-Double the building footprint in open space
-With no zoning - instead of 25% - 40% of site area
81 What is "Development Footprint?"
Is the area affected by development of by project site activity. Hardscape, access roads, parking lots, non-building facilities, and the building itself are included in the development footprint.
82 What is the "Building Footprint?"
Is the area on a project site used by the building structure defined by the perimeter of the building plan. Parking lots, landscapes, and other non-building facilities are NOT included in the building footprint.
83 What is a LEED "Project Boundary?"
Is the portion of the project site submitted for LEED certification. Single Buildings = entire project scope and is generally limited to the site boundary. Multiple building development = LEED project boundary determined by LEED Team..
84 What is the intent of Stormwater Design - Quantity Control SS-C6.1?
Reduce stormwater runoff by reducing impervious cover and increasing infiltration on-sire; reducing or eliminating pollution from stormwater runoff and eliminating contaminants.
85 What is ONE Option for meeting the stormwater Design - Quantity Control SS-C6.1?
Option 1: When existing imperviousness is LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO 50%a) Implement stormwater management plan so that post-development peak = pre-development peak (1 & 2 year 24 hour design storms)
b)Implement Stream Channel Protection strategy that protects receiving streams from erosion
86 What is Option TWO for meeting the stormwater Design - Quantity Control SS-C6.1?
Option 2: Existing imperviousness GREATER THAN 50%a) Implement stormwater management plan that results in a 25% decrease in run-off
87 What does reducing stormwater help?
Helps maintain the natural aquifer recharge cycle and restore depleted stream base flows.
88 What can collected stormwater be used for?
Using stormwater for non-potable purposes, such as flushing urinals and toilets, custodial applications and building equipment uses, would lower costs for potable water.
89 Decreasing impervious surfaces on a project site through previous pavements, vegetated roofs and vegetated open space - Help with what credits?
SS-C5.1 - Site Development - Protect and Restore HabitatSS-C5.2 - Site Development - Maximize Open Space
SS-C7.1 - Heat Island Reduction - Non-Roof
SS-C7.2 - Heat Island Reduction - Roof
90 Harvesting rainwater helps meet what credits?
WE-C1 - Water-Efficient LandscapingWE-C3 - Water Use Reduction
91 What are some strategies to minimize or mitigate stormwater runoff?
using pervious paving materials, harvesting stormwater for reuse, designing swales and retention ponds, planting vegetated filter strips, installing vegetated roof and clustering development to reduce paved surfaces such as roads and sidewalks.
92 How can projects earn Exemplary Performance for Stormwater Design SS-C6.1?
If they document an approach above and beyond credit requirements for either SS-C6.1 or SS-C6.2 - Only 1 EP is available.
93 Stormwater Design is dependent on -
Location and Climate Zone
94 What is the intent of Stormwater Design - Quality Control SS-C6.2?
Reduce water pollution by reducing impervious cover, increasing infiltration and removing contaminants from stormwater.
95 What are the requirements for Stormwater Design - Quality Control SS-C6.2?
1) Capture and treat 90% of run-off from average rainfall AND2) Use BMPs to remove 80% of Total Suspended Solids (TSS)
a) TARP - Technology Acceptance Reciprocity Partnership
b) State of local standards
96 How many points are available for Stormwater Quality and Quantity?
1 point for each credit
97 Humid Watershed
1" - Average rainfall a year is less than > 40"/year
98 Semi-Arid Watershed
.75" Average rainfall ranges between - 20"-40"/year
99 Arid Watershed
.5" Average rainfall a year is less than<20"/year
100 What is the intent of Heat Island Effect - Non-Roof
Reduce Heat Islands - thermal gradient between developed and undeveloped land
51 What are the requirements for AT-Bicycle Storage SS-C4 for C&S building 300,000sf or less?
- within 200 yards of main entrance for 3% or more of all building users-Provide shower for .5% FTE
52 What are the requirements for AT-Bicycle Storage SS-C4 for C&S building larger than 300,000sf?
- Bike racks for 3% of the occupants for up to 300,000 then an additional .5% for all the occupants for space over 300,000-Provide shower for .5% FTE
53 What are the residential requirements for AT-Bicycle Storage SS-C4 for Schools?
-Provide 5% or more of all building staff and students grade 3 and up-Provide .5% showers of FTE Staff
-Provide dedicated bikes lanes that extend at least to the end of the school property in 2 or more directions
54 What does bike commuting produce?
-Zero emissions-no demand for fuel
-relieves traffic congestion
-Reduces noise pollution
-Requires less infrastructure for roads and parking lots
55 How is Exemplary Performance achieved?
Projects may be awarded ONE ID point for instituting a comprehensive transportation management plan than demonstrates a QUANTIFIABLE reduction in automobile use through the implementation of MULTIPLE ALTERNATIVE options
56 What is the intent of AT- Low Emitting and Fuel Efficient Vehicles SS-C4.3?
Reduce impacts from automobile use by reducing emissions but will still have congestion and parking capacity.
57 How many points can be earned for AT-Low Emitting & Fuel Efficient Vehicles SS-C4.3?
3- Points for NC and C&S2 - Points for schools
What is OPTION ONE for meeting the requirements for AT - LEFE SS-C4.3?
-Preferred parking for LEFE vehicles for 5% of Parking Capacity or 20% parking discount for all customers-SCHOOLS: 5% of total parking capacity and at least 1 carpool area for LEFE Vehicle
59 What is OPTION TWO for meeting the requirements for AT - LEFE SS-C4.3?
-Install alternative-fuel fueling stations for 3% of total vehicle parking capacity ORLEFE Vehicles for 3% of FTE
-One shared LEFE per 267 FTE
60 What is the definition of a LEFE Vehicle?
-Zero emissions Vehicle (ZEV) by the CA Air Resources BoardOR
-Minimum score of 40 by the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE)
61 What is OPTION TWO for meeting the requirements for AT - LEFE SS-C4.3 for Schools?
-SCHOOLS: Develop and implement a plan for the buses and maintenance vehicles serving the school to use 20% natural gas
62 What is the intent of AT-Parking Capacity SS-C4.4?
Reduce pollution and land development from SINGLE Vehicle Occupancy
63 What are the negative impacts of Parking Capacity on the environment?
Increase in stormwater and increase in urban heat island effect
64 What is the reference for AT- Parking Capacity SS-C4.4?
Institute of Traffic Engineer, Parking Generation Study, 2003
65 What are the NON-RESIDENTIAL requirements for AT-Parking Capacity SS-C4.4?
-Parking cannot exceed minimum zoning AND carpool parking for 5% of total parking spaces OR-If there is fewer than 5% FTE Parking -preferred parking for 5% of total spots
-no zone laws parking for 25% fewer than "Parking Generation Study"
66 What are the RESIDENTIAL requirements for AT-Parking Capacity SS-C4.4?
-Parking cannot exceed minimum zoning and provide infrastructure to support shared vehicle usage-NO NEW PARKING (residential or non-residential)
67 How many points can be earned for AT-Parking Capacity SS-C4.4?
2 points for NC, Schools and C&S
68 What is the intent of Site Development - Protect and Restore Habitat SS-C5.1?
Conserve existing natural areas and restore damaged ones to provide habitat
69 What is OPTION ONE for Site Development-Protect and Restore SS-C5.1?
Limit Disturbance to following PARAMETERS:-40 ft beyond building perimeter
-10 ft beyond sidewalks/parking
-15 ft beyond primary road
-25 ft beyond constructed areas with permeable surfaces
70 What is OPTION TWO for Site Development-Protect and Restore SS-C5.1?
Previously Developed Area:- Restore 50% of site excluding building OR
-Restore 20% of site area including building Which ever is greater
71 Does a vegetated roof count towards Site Development-Protect and Restore SS-C5.1?
Only for projects earning SS-C2 Development and Density may include vegetated roof surface in this calculation if the plants are native or adapted, provide habitat and promote biodiversity
72 How can Exemplary Performance be earned for Site Development-Protect and Restore SS-C5.1?
On a previously developed area restore 75% of non-building site area
73 What is the intent of Site Development- Maximize Open Space SS-C5.2?
To promote biodiversity by providing a high ratio of open space to development footprint.
74 What are the requirements for Site Development - Maximize Open Space SS-C5.2?
C1: 25% more space that required by zoning in the project boundaryC2: No zoning - open space the same size as building footprint (adjacent to building)
C3: Areas w/ zoning but no minimum, provide 20% of site area w/ vegetation
75 When does pedestrian hardscape and garden roofs count as open space?
When the project is located in an "urban area" - Projects must earn SS-C2 - Development Density and Community Connectivity - but a minimum of 25% of the open space counted must be vegetated.
76 Can wetlands or ponds count towards open space?
Yes, only if side slopes are vegetated.
77 If a military building has a footprint of 5,000 SF how much open space is required to meet Site Development-Maximize Open Space SS-C5.2?
5,000 SF of open space is required - must be located adjacent to project site.
78 Local zoning requires 200 SF of Open space. How much open space will a project need for Site Development - MOS SS-C5.2? How much could be hardscape?
Project must have 25% more than zoning required = 250SF of open spaceof the 250SF 187.50 SF can be hardscape
79 What is the special case for Campus or military base open space?
Open space does not have to be adjacent to the building if the open space is maintained for the life of the project.
80 How can a project earn Exemplary Performance for Site Development - Maximize Open Space SS-C5.2?
-50% more than zoning-Double the building footprint in open space
-With no zoning - instead of 25% - 40% of site area
81 What is "Development Footprint?"
Is the area affected by development of by project site activity. Hardscape, access roads, parking lots, non-building facilities, and the building itself are included in the development footprint.
82 What is the "Building Footprint?"
Is the area on a project site used by the building structure defined by the perimeter of the building plan. Parking lots, landscapes, and other non-building facilities are NOT included in the building footprint.
83 What is a LEED "Project Boundary?"
Is the portion of the project site submitted for LEED certification. Single Buildings = entire project scope and is generally limited to the site boundary. Multiple building development = LEED project boundary determined by LEED Team..
84 What is the intent of Stormwater Design - Quantity Control SS-C6.1?
Reduce stormwater runoff by reducing impervious cover and increasing infiltration on-sire; reducing or eliminating pollution from stormwater runoff and eliminating contaminants.
85 What is ONE Option for meeting the stormwater Design - Quantity Control SS-C6.1?
Option 1: When existing imperviousness is LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO 50%a) Implement stormwater management plan so that post-development peak = pre-development peak (1 & 2 year 24 hour design storms)
b)Implement Stream Channel Protection strategy that protects receiving streams from erosion
86 What is Option TWO for meeting the stormwater Design - Quantity Control SS-C6.1?
Option 2: Existing imperviousness GREATER THAN 50%a) Implement stormwater management plan that results in a 25% decrease in run-off
87 What does reducing stormwater help?
Helps maintain the natural aquifer recharge cycle and restore depleted stream base flows.
88 What can collected stormwater be used for?
Using stormwater for non-potable purposes, such as flushing urinals and toilets, custodial applications and building equipment uses, would lower costs for potable water.
89 Decreasing impervious surfaces on a project site through previous pavements, vegetated roofs and vegetated open space - Help with what credits?
SS-C5.1 - Site Development - Protect and Restore HabitatSS-C5.2 - Site Development - Maximize Open Space
SS-C7.1 - Heat Island Reduction - Non-Roof
SS-C7.2 - Heat Island Reduction - Roof
90 Harvesting rainwater helps meet what credits?
WE-C1 - Water-Efficient LandscapingWE-C3 - Water Use Reduction
91 What are some strategies to minimize or mitigate stormwater runoff?
using pervious paving materials, harvesting stormwater for reuse, designing swales and retention ponds, planting vegetated filter strips, installing vegetated roof and clustering development to reduce paved surfaces such as roads and sidewalks.
92 How can projects earn Exemplary Performance for Stormwater Design SS-C6.1?
If they document an approach above and beyond credit requirements for either SS-C6.1 or SS-C6.2 - Only 1 EP is available.
93 Stormwater Design is dependent on -
Location and Climate Zone
94 What is the intent of Stormwater Design - Quality Control SS-C6.2?
Reduce water pollution by reducing impervious cover, increasing infiltration and removing contaminants from stormwater.
95 What are the requirements for Stormwater Design - Quality Control SS-C6.2?
1) Capture and treat 90% of run-off from average rainfall AND2) Use BMPs to remove 80% of Total Suspended Solids (TSS)
a) TARP - Technology Acceptance Reciprocity Partnership
b) State of local standards
96 How many points are available for Stormwater Quality and Quantity?
1 point for each credit
97 Humid Watershed
1" - Average rainfall a year is less than > 40"/year
98 Semi-Arid Watershed
.75" Average rainfall ranges between - 20"-40"/year
99 Arid Watershed
.5" Average rainfall a year is less than<20"/year
100 What is the intent of Heat Island Effect - Non-Roof
Reduce Heat Islands - thermal gradient between developed and undeveloped land
- within 200 yards of main entrance for 3% or more of all building users-Provide shower for .5% FTE
52 What are the requirements for AT-Bicycle Storage SS-C4 for C&S building larger than 300,000sf?
- Bike racks for 3% of the occupants for up to 300,000 then an additional .5% for all the occupants for space over 300,000-Provide shower for .5% FTE
53 What are the residential requirements for AT-Bicycle Storage SS-C4 for Schools?
-Provide 5% or more of all building staff and students grade 3 and up-Provide .5% showers of FTE Staff
-Provide dedicated bikes lanes that extend at least to the end of the school property in 2 or more directions
54 What does bike commuting produce?
-Zero emissions-no demand for fuel
-relieves traffic congestion
-Reduces noise pollution
-Requires less infrastructure for roads and parking lots
55 How is Exemplary Performance achieved?
Projects may be awarded ONE ID point for instituting a comprehensive transportation management plan than demonstrates a QUANTIFIABLE reduction in automobile use through the implementation of MULTIPLE ALTERNATIVE options
56 What is the intent of AT- Low Emitting and Fuel Efficient Vehicles SS-C4.3?
Reduce impacts from automobile use by reducing emissions but will still have congestion and parking capacity.
57 How many points can be earned for AT-Low Emitting & Fuel Efficient Vehicles SS-C4.3?
3- Points for NC and C&S2 - Points for schools
What is OPTION ONE for meeting the requirements for AT - LEFE SS-C4.3?
-Preferred parking for LEFE vehicles for 5% of Parking Capacity or 20% parking discount for all customers-SCHOOLS: 5% of total parking capacity and at least 1 carpool area for LEFE Vehicle
59 What is OPTION TWO for meeting the requirements for AT - LEFE SS-C4.3?
-Install alternative-fuel fueling stations for 3% of total vehicle parking capacity ORLEFE Vehicles for 3% of FTE
-One shared LEFE per 267 FTE
60 What is the definition of a LEFE Vehicle?
-Zero emissions Vehicle (ZEV) by the CA Air Resources BoardOR
-Minimum score of 40 by the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE)
61 What is OPTION TWO for meeting the requirements for AT - LEFE SS-C4.3 for Schools?
-SCHOOLS: Develop and implement a plan for the buses and maintenance vehicles serving the school to use 20% natural gas
62 What is the intent of AT-Parking Capacity SS-C4.4?
Reduce pollution and land development from SINGLE Vehicle Occupancy
63 What are the negative impacts of Parking Capacity on the environment?
Increase in stormwater and increase in urban heat island effect
64 What is the reference for AT- Parking Capacity SS-C4.4?
Institute of Traffic Engineer, Parking Generation Study, 2003
65 What are the NON-RESIDENTIAL requirements for AT-Parking Capacity SS-C4.4?
-Parking cannot exceed minimum zoning AND carpool parking for 5% of total parking spaces OR-If there is fewer than 5% FTE Parking -preferred parking for 5% of total spots
-no zone laws parking for 25% fewer than "Parking Generation Study"
66 What are the RESIDENTIAL requirements for AT-Parking Capacity SS-C4.4?
-Parking cannot exceed minimum zoning and provide infrastructure to support shared vehicle usage-NO NEW PARKING (residential or non-residential)
67 How many points can be earned for AT-Parking Capacity SS-C4.4?
2 points for NC, Schools and C&S
68 What is the intent of Site Development - Protect and Restore Habitat SS-C5.1?
Conserve existing natural areas and restore damaged ones to provide habitat
69 What is OPTION ONE for Site Development-Protect and Restore SS-C5.1?
Limit Disturbance to following PARAMETERS:-40 ft beyond building perimeter
-10 ft beyond sidewalks/parking
-15 ft beyond primary road
-25 ft beyond constructed areas with permeable surfaces
70 What is OPTION TWO for Site Development-Protect and Restore SS-C5.1?
Previously Developed Area:- Restore 50% of site excluding building OR
-Restore 20% of site area including building Which ever is greater
71 Does a vegetated roof count towards Site Development-Protect and Restore SS-C5.1?
Only for projects earning SS-C2 Development and Density may include vegetated roof surface in this calculation if the plants are native or adapted, provide habitat and promote biodiversity
72 How can Exemplary Performance be earned for Site Development-Protect and Restore SS-C5.1?
On a previously developed area restore 75% of non-building site area
73 What is the intent of Site Development- Maximize Open Space SS-C5.2?
To promote biodiversity by providing a high ratio of open space to development footprint.
74 What are the requirements for Site Development - Maximize Open Space SS-C5.2?
C1: 25% more space that required by zoning in the project boundaryC2: No zoning - open space the same size as building footprint (adjacent to building)
C3: Areas w/ zoning but no minimum, provide 20% of site area w/ vegetation
75 When does pedestrian hardscape and garden roofs count as open space?
When the project is located in an "urban area" - Projects must earn SS-C2 - Development Density and Community Connectivity - but a minimum of 25% of the open space counted must be vegetated.
76 Can wetlands or ponds count towards open space?
Yes, only if side slopes are vegetated.
77 If a military building has a footprint of 5,000 SF how much open space is required to meet Site Development-Maximize Open Space SS-C5.2?
5,000 SF of open space is required - must be located adjacent to project site.
78 Local zoning requires 200 SF of Open space. How much open space will a project need for Site Development - MOS SS-C5.2? How much could be hardscape?
Project must have 25% more than zoning required = 250SF of open spaceof the 250SF 187.50 SF can be hardscape
79 What is the special case for Campus or military base open space?
Open space does not have to be adjacent to the building if the open space is maintained for the life of the project.
80 How can a project earn Exemplary Performance for Site Development - Maximize Open Space SS-C5.2?
-50% more than zoning-Double the building footprint in open space
-With no zoning - instead of 25% - 40% of site area
81 What is "Development Footprint?"
Is the area affected by development of by project site activity. Hardscape, access roads, parking lots, non-building facilities, and the building itself are included in the development footprint.
82 What is the "Building Footprint?"
Is the area on a project site used by the building structure defined by the perimeter of the building plan. Parking lots, landscapes, and other non-building facilities are NOT included in the building footprint.
83 What is a LEED "Project Boundary?"
Is the portion of the project site submitted for LEED certification. Single Buildings = entire project scope and is generally limited to the site boundary. Multiple building development = LEED project boundary determined by LEED Team..
84 What is the intent of Stormwater Design - Quantity Control SS-C6.1?
Reduce stormwater runoff by reducing impervious cover and increasing infiltration on-sire; reducing or eliminating pollution from stormwater runoff and eliminating contaminants.
85 What is ONE Option for meeting the stormwater Design - Quantity Control SS-C6.1?
Option 1: When existing imperviousness is LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO 50%a) Implement stormwater management plan so that post-development peak = pre-development peak (1 & 2 year 24 hour design storms)
b)Implement Stream Channel Protection strategy that protects receiving streams from erosion
86 What is Option TWO for meeting the stormwater Design - Quantity Control SS-C6.1?
Option 2: Existing imperviousness GREATER THAN 50%a) Implement stormwater management plan that results in a 25% decrease in run-off
87 What does reducing stormwater help?
Helps maintain the natural aquifer recharge cycle and restore depleted stream base flows.
88 What can collected stormwater be used for?
Using stormwater for non-potable purposes, such as flushing urinals and toilets, custodial applications and building equipment uses, would lower costs for potable water.
89 Decreasing impervious surfaces on a project site through previous pavements, vegetated roofs and vegetated open space - Help with what credits?
SS-C5.1 - Site Development - Protect and Restore HabitatSS-C5.2 - Site Development - Maximize Open Space
SS-C7.1 - Heat Island Reduction - Non-Roof
SS-C7.2 - Heat Island Reduction - Roof
90 Harvesting rainwater helps meet what credits?
WE-C1 - Water-Efficient LandscapingWE-C3 - Water Use Reduction
91 What are some strategies to minimize or mitigate stormwater runoff?
using pervious paving materials, harvesting stormwater for reuse, designing swales and retention ponds, planting vegetated filter strips, installing vegetated roof and clustering development to reduce paved surfaces such as roads and sidewalks.
92 How can projects earn Exemplary Performance for Stormwater Design SS-C6.1?
If they document an approach above and beyond credit requirements for either SS-C6.1 or SS-C6.2 - Only 1 EP is available.
93 Stormwater Design is dependent on -
Location and Climate Zone
94 What is the intent of Stormwater Design - Quality Control SS-C6.2?
Reduce water pollution by reducing impervious cover, increasing infiltration and removing contaminants from stormwater.
95 What are the requirements for Stormwater Design - Quality Control SS-C6.2?
1) Capture and treat 90% of run-off from average rainfall AND2) Use BMPs to remove 80% of Total Suspended Solids (TSS)
a) TARP - Technology Acceptance Reciprocity Partnership
b) State of local standards
96 How many points are available for Stormwater Quality and Quantity?
1 point for each credit
97 Humid Watershed
1" - Average rainfall a year is less than > 40"/year
98 Semi-Arid Watershed
.75" Average rainfall ranges between - 20"-40"/year
99 Arid Watershed
.5" Average rainfall a year is less than<20"/year
100 What is the intent of Heat Island Effect - Non-Roof
Reduce Heat Islands - thermal gradient between developed and undeveloped land
51 What are the requirements for AT-Bicycle Storage SS-C4 for C&S building 300,000sf or less?
- within 200 yards of main entrance for 3% or more of all building users-Provide shower for .5% FTE
52 What are the requirements for AT-Bicycle Storage SS-C4 for C&S building larger than 300,000sf?
- Bike racks for 3% of the occupants for up to 300,000 then an additional .5% for all the occupants for space over 300,000-Provide shower for .5% FTE
53 What are the residential requirements for AT-Bicycle Storage SS-C4 for Schools?
-Provide 5% or more of all building staff and students grade 3 and up-Provide .5% showers of FTE Staff
-Provide dedicated bikes lanes that extend at least to the end of the school property in 2 or more directions
54 What does bike commuting produce?
-Zero emissions-no demand for fuel
-relieves traffic congestion
-Reduces noise pollution
-Requires less infrastructure for roads and parking lots
55 How is Exemplary Performance achieved?
Projects may be awarded ONE ID point for instituting a comprehensive transportation management plan than demonstrates a QUANTIFIABLE reduction in automobile use through the implementation of MULTIPLE ALTERNATIVE options
56 What is the intent of AT- Low Emitting and Fuel Efficient Vehicles SS-C4.3?
Reduce impacts from automobile use by reducing emissions but will still have congestion and parking capacity.
57 How many points can be earned for AT-Low Emitting & Fuel Efficient Vehicles SS-C4.3?
3- Points for NC and C&S2 - Points for schools
What is OPTION ONE for meeting the requirements for AT - LEFE SS-C4.3?
-Preferred parking for LEFE vehicles for 5% of Parking Capacity or 20% parking discount for all customers-SCHOOLS: 5% of total parking capacity and at least 1 carpool area for LEFE Vehicle
59 What is OPTION TWO for meeting the requirements for AT - LEFE SS-C4.3?
-Install alternative-fuel fueling stations for 3% of total vehicle parking capacity ORLEFE Vehicles for 3% of FTE
-One shared LEFE per 267 FTE
60 What is the definition of a LEFE Vehicle?
-Zero emissions Vehicle (ZEV) by the CA Air Resources BoardOR
-Minimum score of 40 by the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE)
61 What is OPTION TWO for meeting the requirements for AT - LEFE SS-C4.3 for Schools?
-SCHOOLS: Develop and implement a plan for the buses and maintenance vehicles serving the school to use 20% natural gas
62 What is the intent of AT-Parking Capacity SS-C4.4?
Reduce pollution and land development from SINGLE Vehicle Occupancy
63 What are the negative impacts of Parking Capacity on the environment?
Increase in stormwater and increase in urban heat island effect
64 What is the reference for AT- Parking Capacity SS-C4.4?
Institute of Traffic Engineer, Parking Generation Study, 2003
65 What are the NON-RESIDENTIAL requirements for AT-Parking Capacity SS-C4.4?
-Parking cannot exceed minimum zoning AND carpool parking for 5% of total parking spaces OR-If there is fewer than 5% FTE Parking -preferred parking for 5% of total spots
-no zone laws parking for 25% fewer than "Parking Generation Study"
66 What are the RESIDENTIAL requirements for AT-Parking Capacity SS-C4.4?
-Parking cannot exceed minimum zoning and provide infrastructure to support shared vehicle usage-NO NEW PARKING (residential or non-residential)
67 How many points can be earned for AT-Parking Capacity SS-C4.4?
2 points for NC, Schools and C&S
68 What is the intent of Site Development - Protect and Restore Habitat SS-C5.1?
Conserve existing natural areas and restore damaged ones to provide habitat
69 What is OPTION ONE for Site Development-Protect and Restore SS-C5.1?
Limit Disturbance to following PARAMETERS:-40 ft beyond building perimeter
-10 ft beyond sidewalks/parking
-15 ft beyond primary road
-25 ft beyond constructed areas with permeable surfaces
70 What is OPTION TWO for Site Development-Protect and Restore SS-C5.1?
Previously Developed Area:- Restore 50% of site excluding building OR
-Restore 20% of site area including building Which ever is greater
71 Does a vegetated roof count towards Site Development-Protect and Restore SS-C5.1?
Only for projects earning SS-C2 Development and Density may include vegetated roof surface in this calculation if the plants are native or adapted, provide habitat and promote biodiversity
72 How can Exemplary Performance be earned for Site Development-Protect and Restore SS-C5.1?
On a previously developed area restore 75% of non-building site area
73 What is the intent of Site Development- Maximize Open Space SS-C5.2?
To promote biodiversity by providing a high ratio of open space to development footprint.
74 What are the requirements for Site Development - Maximize Open Space SS-C5.2?
C1: 25% more space that required by zoning in the project boundaryC2: No zoning - open space the same size as building footprint (adjacent to building)
C3: Areas w/ zoning but no minimum, provide 20% of site area w/ vegetation
75 When does pedestrian hardscape and garden roofs count as open space?
When the project is located in an "urban area" - Projects must earn SS-C2 - Development Density and Community Connectivity - but a minimum of 25% of the open space counted must be vegetated.
76 Can wetlands or ponds count towards open space?
Yes, only if side slopes are vegetated.
77 If a military building has a footprint of 5,000 SF how much open space is required to meet Site Development-Maximize Open Space SS-C5.2?
5,000 SF of open space is required - must be located adjacent to project site.
78 Local zoning requires 200 SF of Open space. How much open space will a project need for Site Development - MOS SS-C5.2? How much could be hardscape?
Project must have 25% more than zoning required = 250SF of open spaceof the 250SF 187.50 SF can be hardscape
79 What is the special case for Campus or military base open space?
Open space does not have to be adjacent to the building if the open space is maintained for the life of the project.
80 How can a project earn Exemplary Performance for Site Development - Maximize Open Space SS-C5.2?
-50% more than zoning-Double the building footprint in open space
-With no zoning - instead of 25% - 40% of site area
81 What is "Development Footprint?"
Is the area affected by development of by project site activity. Hardscape, access roads, parking lots, non-building facilities, and the building itself are included in the development footprint.
82 What is the "Building Footprint?"
Is the area on a project site used by the building structure defined by the perimeter of the building plan. Parking lots, landscapes, and other non-building facilities are NOT included in the building footprint.
83 What is a LEED "Project Boundary?"
Is the portion of the project site submitted for LEED certification. Single Buildings = entire project scope and is generally limited to the site boundary. Multiple building development = LEED project boundary determined by LEED Team..
84 What is the intent of Stormwater Design - Quantity Control SS-C6.1?
Reduce stormwater runoff by reducing impervious cover and increasing infiltration on-sire; reducing or eliminating pollution from stormwater runoff and eliminating contaminants.
85 What is ONE Option for meeting the stormwater Design - Quantity Control SS-C6.1?
Option 1: When existing imperviousness is LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO 50%a) Implement stormwater management plan so that post-development peak = pre-development peak (1 & 2 year 24 hour design storms)
b)Implement Stream Channel Protection strategy that protects receiving streams from erosion
86 What is Option TWO for meeting the stormwater Design - Quantity Control SS-C6.1?
Option 2: Existing imperviousness GREATER THAN 50%a) Implement stormwater management plan that results in a 25% decrease in run-off
87 What does reducing stormwater help?
Helps maintain the natural aquifer recharge cycle and restore depleted stream base flows.
88 What can collected stormwater be used for?
Using stormwater for non-potable purposes, such as flushing urinals and toilets, custodial applications and building equipment uses, would lower costs for potable water.
89 Decreasing impervious surfaces on a project site through previous pavements, vegetated roofs and vegetated open space - Help with what credits?
SS-C5.1 - Site Development - Protect and Restore HabitatSS-C5.2 - Site Development - Maximize Open Space
SS-C7.1 - Heat Island Reduction - Non-Roof
SS-C7.2 - Heat Island Reduction - Roof
90 Harvesting rainwater helps meet what credits?
WE-C1 - Water-Efficient LandscapingWE-C3 - Water Use Reduction
91 What are some strategies to minimize or mitigate stormwater runoff?
using pervious paving materials, harvesting stormwater for reuse, designing swales and retention ponds, planting vegetated filter strips, installing vegetated roof and clustering development to reduce paved surfaces such as roads and sidewalks.
92 How can projects earn Exemplary Performance for Stormwater Design SS-C6.1?
If they document an approach above and beyond credit requirements for either SS-C6.1 or SS-C6.2 - Only 1 EP is available.
93 Stormwater Design is dependent on -
Location and Climate Zone
94 What is the intent of Stormwater Design - Quality Control SS-C6.2?
Reduce water pollution by reducing impervious cover, increasing infiltration and removing contaminants from stormwater.
95 What are the requirements for Stormwater Design - Quality Control SS-C6.2?
1) Capture and treat 90% of run-off from average rainfall AND2) Use BMPs to remove 80% of Total Suspended Solids (TSS)
a) TARP - Technology Acceptance Reciprocity Partnership
b) State of local standards
96 How many points are available for Stormwater Quality and Quantity?
1 point for each credit
97 Humid Watershed
1" - Average rainfall a year is less than > 40"/year
98 Semi-Arid Watershed
.75" Average rainfall ranges between - 20"-40"/year
99 Arid Watershed
.5" Average rainfall a year is less than<20"/year
100 What is the intent of Heat Island Effect - Non-Roof
Reduce Heat Islands - thermal gradient between developed and undeveloped land
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