HDB Income Guidelines
The HDB may also request for other documents to be submitted other than those listed below.
Employed Person
Self-employed Persons
Part-time Worker
Commission-Based Persons
Odd Job Worker
Unemployed Persons
Employed Person
- Assessment is based on average monthly gross income (excluding income earned from overtime work) which includes allowances (fixed/variable) received on a regular basis (e.g. transport, food, laundry, uniform, etc).
- Documents to submit:
- Latest 3 months’ payslips i.e. month of application and preceding 2 months; or
- Letter from employer (with company stamp/letterhead, name, signature and designation of certifying officer) certifying salaries for the month of application and the preceding 2 months
- Notice of Assessment (NOA) from Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) is not acceptable for employed persons
- Bonuses will not form part of the assessment and will be excluded
Self-employed Persons
- Assessment is based on the average monthly gross income for the past 12 months
- Documents to submit:
- Latest NOA from IRAS or Statement of Annual Accounts certified by an Audit Firm; and
- Valid Accounting & Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) Computer Information (Business Profile)/Valid license of business/trade.
Part-time Worker
- Assessment is based on the average monthly gross income for the past 12 months
- Documents to submit:
- Latest 12 months’ payslips; or
- Letter from employer (with company stamp/letterhead, name, signature and designation of certifying officer) certifying salaries for the last 12 months
Commission-Based Persons
- Assessment is based on the average monthly gross income for the past 12 months
- Documents to submit:
- Latest 12 months' commission statements/payslips; or
- Letter from employer (with company stamp/letterhead, name, signature and designation of certifying officer) certifying salaries for the last 12 months
Odd Job Worker
- Assessment is based on the average monthly gross income for the past 12 months
- Documents to submit:
- Latest NOA from IRAS and
- Previous years NOA from IRAS
Unemployed Persons
- Proof of unemployment
- Statutory Declaration* to declare the employment status or
- Valid Student Pass
- *Note:
- Applicable to applicants and occupiers between 18 and 62 years old who are unemployed.
- If the applicants and occupiers are unemployed for fewer than 3 months, the average income will be computed based on the number of actual months he/she has worked.
- Statutory Declaration may be executed at the Sales Office at HDB Hub or any HDB Branches. If you are not in Singapore, you can make the Statutory Declaration in the presence of a Commissioner for Oaths or Notary Public in the country of your stay.
Income/Allowance considered
Examples of income / allowance that are considered in the computation of household income are:
Income/Allowance not considered
Examples of income / allowance that are not considered in the computation of household income are:
Source: HDB
Examples of income / allowance that are considered in the computation of household income are:
- Pension
- Stipend
- Sustenance
- Allowances (fixed/variable) received on a regular basis (eg transport, food, laundry, uniform, etc)
Income/Allowance not considered
Examples of income / allowance that are not considered in the computation of household income are:
- Rental income
- Interest from fixed deposit/savings account
- Alimony allowance (divorce cases)
- Bonuses
- Scholarship overseas allowance
- Income earned from overtime work
- National Service Allowance
Source: HDB
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